art - mindfulness - blessings - recovery
My first name is Christelle, second one Ambre.
Whilst living in Athens end of 2022, I started DJing and decided that "ambr" would be my DJ name. Around that time, a 7 year cycle ended and a new one began for me... I was connecting more and more with my Higher Self and decided that She, is Ambr.
I decided to embody Her as soon as I landed in Medellin (Feb 2023) and here she is!
At the time, I also decided that "ambr" would be the name of my wellness hostel I would open (back then that was the plan), as ambr stands for art, mindfulness, blessings and recovery.
I could have never imagined that vision of a wellness hostel turned into the wellnest, and that I built a community in a few months in Medellin.
The vision has expanded, and is in progress to open wellnests all over the world.