Welcome, first full moon of the year.
How is it already halfway through January. It doesn't matter.
Here's to another year full of insights and growth....
Here are some big insights i've recently had, that might help you, or just act as a nice reminder for my future self:
A (potential) partner is there to support you, not deviate you from your path
Letting go is a spiral, and it's infinite - the process never ends, and just gets deeper and deeper
The Universe will send you what you need, not what you want (to grow/evolve)
There's a difference between high standards and limiting yourself
If you think you have 0 fears, you're lying to yourself
The ego wants to separate, constantly, especially if you think you're so conscious and spiritual
Follow your gut, trust your intuition
Life is always happening for you, not to you.
Happy Full Moon in Cancer.